9 Times White Folks Tried To Claim A Black Trend As Their Own

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Miley Cyrus jiggles a flat butt cheek in a viral video and then again on stage and all of a sudden it’s the hottest new dance craze. Publications try to write articles, complete with gifs, about how to achieve the perfect twerk, ABC offered a scientific explanation of the dance and, in the tradition of “Dirty Dancing” and “Footloose,” schools started suspending students for attempting the dance on school property. Rarely, did anyone ever pause long enough to realize that twerking didn’t originate from Miley or even the New Orleans bounce scene. Debbie Allen was the first one who I heard speak on twerking with legit facts. 

“Well twerking is nothing but African isolations. It’s an African dance. It’s been given a new name. They’ve been twerking for 500 centuries.”

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