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Joe Biden's Inauguration As 46th President Of The U.S. Is Celebrated With Parade In Washington, D.C.

Source: Patrick Smith / Getty

We are watching history.

On Wednesday (Jan. 20), President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris were sworn into office. And while the celebrations during the inauguration were scaled back considerably when compared to the pomp and circumstance of previous years, it was still a grand event that meant a lot to many. Countless Americans are glad to see these two take leadership, and for more reasons than the obvious, one being that we just couldn’t deal with another day of Trump.

But one of the other big reasons this is such a joyous occasion is because Harris becomes the first woman, Black person, South Asian-American, and Caribbean-American to be vice president. She begins a journey that is sure to inspire so many, especially Black girls and women of all backgrounds. But it’s already been quite the journey to get to this landmark moment. We decided to go through the galleries and pull together images of Harris on the road to the White House, dating back to her years as an attorney. Hit the flip to take a walk down memory lane, before Kamala was Vice President Harris.

Alameda County deputy district attorney Kamala Harris...

Source: MediaNews Group/The Mercury News via Getty Images / Getty

One of the first very public images of Harris is from her years as the deputy district attorney in Alameda County, Calif. This particular image, a very regal one, was taken outside of the Alameda County Superior Court in Oakland back in 1997. She was the chief of the Career Criminal Division, prosecuting cases involving homicide, robbery, sexual assault cases, and three-strike cases.

OAKLAND, CA – SEPTEMBER 28: Alameda County deputy district attorney Kamala Harris at the Alameda County Superior Court in Oakland, California on March 28, 1997. (Photo by Mary F. Calvert/MediaNews Group/The Mercury News via Getty Images)

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