The Language of Love: How Miscommunication Leads to Complication

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1. He says: “I don’t like to go out.  How about we order in and watch a movie?”

You hear: “I’m shy and a bit anti-social, and maybe even cheap.  Let’s stay in and cuddle.”

He means: “I can’t bone you in public; it’s easier if we just stay in my house…closer to the bed.”

Because honestly, would you really have sex with him if he flat-out told you that was the main goal of the night? (Well, maybe some of you would).  Keep in mind that many guys are still getting used to the idea that females enjoy sex just as much as they do, and wouldn’t mind if they skipped all the manipulation and got straight to the point (In fact, I kind of respect that in a man).   Also pay attention to how long you’ve been in the relationship: If it’s the third time you’re seeing him, it’s more likely he spitting more game than a sports announcer, but if it’s been some time, he may just legitimately want to make it a Netflix night.

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