15 Empowering Things To Do Just For You

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1. Brush Up: Healthy teeth are as easy as brushing twice a day, but the real key is flossing. If there is bleeding, it can be easily remedied by, you guessed it, flossing daily. Don’t skip a day.

2. Sun Guard: We’ve been blessed with skin that maintains a youthful appearance, but that doesn’t mean we can neglect to protect our skin from the sun. An SPF 30 sunscreen should be applied daily to your face and neck. Most foundations and skin creams now come with some sort of SPF already in them, so there’s no excuse.

3. Catch Some Zzzzzz: The exact amount each person needs varies, but as a general rule you should get between seven and nine hours a night. You’ll feel better and decrease your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension while you’re at it.

4.Vitamins Are Our Friends: Look for a multivitamin with 800 to 1,000 IU of vitamin D and 18 mg of iron. The vitamin D may play a role in keeping your heart healthy and reducing your risk of breast cancer. A significant amount of iron–which carries oxygen in the blood–is lost each month when we have our period, so that needs to be replenished.

5. Join The Breakfast Bunch: We always hear that breakfast is the most important day because it is! Your body needs the nutrients to get going and what you eat in the morning, sets the tone for your entire day. You won’t have to worry about calcium supplements if you grab a yogurt a glass of milk or soy or have a bowl of cereal. If you’re mornings are super-busy, you can eat a hard-boiled egg or an apple on the go.

6. Relax, Relate, Release. Ideally you’ll have 15 minutes, but just five minutes a day of complete silence can rejuvenate you. Stress causes high blood pressure, heart disease, and just makes you not fun to be around. Meditate, a few deep breathing exercises or prayer works.

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