Brought to you by Advil

Sora Rochon is a park skater who tests her body’s limits every day. She first got into skating with no particular goal in mind. It was for recreation and a good way to get to know her new city of Oceanside, California. But since then, Rochon has become a skater to watch at the park. She isn’t afraid to take risks and try new, dynamic things. Nailing down a challenging trick comes with a great high, but skating is not without its falls, bumps and bruises.

“Failure is only part of life,” says Rochon.

Pain management is key. Rochon never hits the park without three things: water, a great playlist and Advil.

Rochon uses Advil as a part of her recovery. She has one before soaking in a hot bath with epsom salt. With the right tricks in her arsenal, Rochon no longer allows the fear of falling stop her from lacing up. She has come to embrace the struggle.

Skating is where she expresses herself and feels free. However, when Rochon started skating, she says she didn’t see anybody who looked like her. Black representation in skating matters greatly to Rochon:

“For me to be that for other people … I can’t say enough how important it is.”

The talented skater continues to be an inspiration for Black women who want to put on a pair of skates and take to the park.

Rochon makes it clear to anyone who feels they don’t fit in, that skating is an activity for them

“Express yourself. Be yourself. Skating makes you stronger the more you do it.”