Getting Back To Happy: How To Recover From A Huge Argument

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Go to Bed Angry

I understand not wanting to go to bed mad at your significant other. But sometimes things are said that we don’t mean, words are spoken that can’t be taken back and no one is thinking logically. So, in that case, I think it’s okay to go to bed angry. I know that goes against all the couple or marriage advice out there, but trying to stay up to resolve an issue may actually do more harm than good. When you’re angry and tired, you’re not thinking straight. That’s when real damage can be done, especially if it’s clear that neither of you are listening to each other, no one is backing down, and neither are nowhere near coming to a resolution anytime soon. Once you get some rest, you can awake refreshed with a better perspective on your disagreement; and you may be able to see your situation in a more reasonable light – thus able to discuss your differences without yelling or arguing. Some disagreements can be resolved quickly and painlessly, but huge fights may require you to sleep on it and save the discussion for a new day. If your relationship is worth it, take a break, and get some sleep so that you don’t say or do something you’ll regret later.

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