Actress Camille Winbush, known for her role as Vanessa Thompkins on The Bernie Mac Show, recently revealed why she joined OnlyFans in an interview with Comedy Hype News on June 7.

Winbush, 34, made headlines in 2021 after she became a creator on OnlyFans, a platform primarily associated with adult content. However, her shift from a child star to an adult content creator surprised many and drew scrutiny from fans of The Bernie Mac Show. When asked about the backlash in her recent interview with Comedy Hype News, the actress emphasized that those outside the acting world had “no place to speak” on her career choice.


Winbush said she often gets frustrated when she sees haters online questioning whether her career shift to OnlyFans occurred due to “those Bernie Mac checks” or residual checks drying up. These are payments that writers, actors, or directors receive when their work is reused.

However, the actress pointed out that fans should have known that it would be a natural move for her to explore other career prospects after The Bernie Mac Show aired “20 years ago” when she was 12 years old. Despite still receiving residual checks from the long-running sitcom that aired from 2001 to 2006, the actress explained that they have dwindled over time and are no longer sufficient to sustain a stable living.

“You’re not making the same amount when the show was current, per episode… and with the [acting] industry being as fickle as it is, you can’t count on any job to last or even to book a job,” she shared.

Winbush worked multiple jobs after The Bernie Mac Show.

After the show ended, Winbush explored various career paths to supplement her residual check income, including managing her own ice cream shop for three years during her teenage years, which she financed independently. Additionally, she mentioned her experience teaching gymnastics to children, where she earned between “$11” to $12 per hour.”

Winbush disclosed that OnlyFans has provided her with a reliable source of income. In 2023, the California native revealed on X (formerly Twitter) that she was able to generate “a couple of mil in less than two years” through her OnlyFans account.

“If I can make enough to buy a home from the comfort and safety of my own living room, why wouldn’t I do that?” Winbush told Comedy Hype News.

As an actress who plays different characters with versatility, Winbush questioned how portraying intimate scenes on camera differed from sharing sexy photos of herself on the risqué platform.

“People have insinuated sex on camera. How is that any different because it’s a different platform?” she asked.

Despite facing criticism from some family members, the Hollywood celeb shared that she has received unwavering support from her mother and father on her switch to OnlyFans. While addressing misconceptions about her content, the actress explained that it is not as explicit as some may assume, noting how it was “comparable to what you would see in a Maxim magazine.”

Winbush added, “Sometimes I wear sheer lingerie and dance around, but I’m never nude. I’m not doing anything sexually explicit. Like honestly, you can see more on Instagram or Twitter or on a runway than what I’m showing. So, it’s not as scandalous as people assume it is.”

Social media users react.

Social media users expressed varied reactions to Winbush’s candid interview. Some voiced support, acknowledging the challenges of the current economy and affirming their continued admiration for the actress.

Others contended that her decision was justified, citing the Writer’s Strike as evidence of the challenges actors encountered in receiving residual check payments. The emergence of streaming platforms like Netflix further complicated the process, making these payments increasingly elusive.

On the other hand, some critics dismissed her explanation, suggesting she should have exerted more effort in seeking high-paying acting opportunities or other ways of generating income.

What are your thoughts?


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