Amid mounting sex trafficking and assault allegations against their music industry peer, Sean “Diddy” Combs, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have seemingly retreated from the spotlight, a source alleged in a recent interview with Page Six. 

According to a music industry insider, influential figures in the music business have been actively seeking out Jay-Z and Beyoncé, suggesting that their recent absence might be a strategic move to distance themselves from Diddy’s mounting abuse scandal.

Interestingly, the source noted that Beyoncé has notably kept a low profile since the release of her latest album, Act II: Cowboy Carter, in March. Coincidentally, around the same time, Diddy’s residences in LA and Miami were raided by the Department of Homeland Security amid sex trafficking allegations. In late March, Natania Reuben came forward, alleging that she was shot in the face by Diddy during the infamous 1999 Club New York incident.

“This was supposed to be Beyoncé’s time, with her much-anticipated country album out [just] two months ago. And yet, she is nowhere to be seen. The album is slipping, and Jay and B aren’t reveling in the spotlight,” the industry insider told Page Six.

“About a month before the [March 29] release, Jay-Z got up at the Grammys and whined that Beyoncé had never won Album of the Year. But now what? Does he think she will win for Cowboy Carter with no promotion, no appearances and no wooing of the academy?”

The source emphasized that while the album was “far from a flop,” it wasn’t the success that “everyone thought it would be.” They added, “Something is going on. It came out with a bang. No. 1 everywhere. [Now] it and she have disappeared.”

What have Beyoncé and Jay-Z been doing since Diddy’s sex-trafficking and assault allegations have come to light?

It’s unclear whether Beyoncé has collaborated with Diddy in the past, but the star has kept a relatively low public profile following the release of Act II: Cowboy Carter. She has been active on Instagram, showing off her various outfits inspired by the album. A video posted to her account on May 30 promoted the vinyl release of the project. 

While Jay-Z collaborated with Diddy on his 1997 track “Young G’s” and 1999’s “Do You Like It, Do You Want It,” their current relationship status remains murky.

It’s pretty common for Jay-Z to stay away from the media. However, headlines recent have been buzzing about the rapper’s involvement in a new educational program being proposed in Philadelphia that would secure roughly $300 million in scholarships for K-12 students from low-income backgrounds to access the city’s diverse array of private schools, NBC Philadelphia noted.

From June 10 to June 21, regional events will be held to raise awareness about the Pennsylvania Award for Student Success (PASS), also known as Senate Bill 757, which seeks to expand educational opportunities for underprivileged youth in the state’s struggling public schools.

Roc Nation Managing Director of Philanthropy Dania Diaz told the outlet that the legislation will help to empower young minds and families, equipping them with the tools to pursue their academic dreams, amplify their voices and emerge as the leaders of tomorrow.

However, opponents on social media contend that Roc Nation’s endeavor, presented as a scholarship initiative, actually aims “to gut public school funding and negatively impact” students in Philadelphia, Bossip highlighted. Additionally, there’s been significant scrutiny surrounding the legislation, particularly due to its sponsorship by conservative lawmakers like Jeff Yass, who is purportedly a supporter of former President Donald Trump.

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