7 Post-Valentine’s Day Getaways That Align With Your Love Language

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Quality Time

Affectionate couple enjoying morning coffee and cuddling in bed.

Source: dragana991 / Getty

Should uninterrupted quality time be your partner’s love language, a staycation might be the right move. Traveling to new destinations typically requires a lot of running around to see the sights. But your partner just wants to look into your eyes and chat for hours. So book a room at that swanky hotel or boutique bed and breakfast in town – the one your partner has always been curious about. Plan a full weekend of just lying in bed together, watching movies, eating and simply being.

Side note: in this piece, MADAMENOIRE covers the seven new love languages. For some, activity is the new quality time. So if your partner feels most loved when you take an interest in their interests, consider planning one outing for your staycation that speaks to their hobbies and areas of curiosity.

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