MadameNoire Featured Video

31 Days Sensuality

Source: iOne Digital / iOne Digital

Yo, I feel so much closer to my vagina ( yes, I know the formal term is Vulva- don’t come for me). In the past 30 days, I’ve done the following: 

  • I’ve given my vagina an official name ( Her name is Little Magic). Link to article here.
  •  Tightened her walls with Yoni Eggs. Link to article here. 
  • Kept her vibrant with twerking. Link to article here. 
  •  Let someone carefully stroke her through Orgasmic Meditation. Link to article here.  
  • Learned the tips and tricks on ways to properly care and pleasure her via Dr. Wendy. Link to article here.  And here.  

Yup, me and Little Magic are like two peas in a pod! And you better believe that these 31 Days of Sensuality is apart of my everyday life. I vow to go deeper into my sensual/ sacred practice each and every day. 


Today, I’m taking the nourishment of my vagina to another level with Yoni Steaming. 

Yoni steaming is a great tool that’s been used by indigenous women for centuries to maintain overall womb health and to tap into our sacred sensual energy. I tapped Alicia, founder of Honewdew Holistics to give me a proper Yoni Steaming and teach me about why this sacred practice should be a staple in every black woman’s life. We linked at HealHaus – Bed-Stuy’s premiere space for wellness to dive into this practice.

I arrived wearing comfortable clothing and  Alicia gave me a beautiful African print gown to change into.  Afterward, she conducted a brief assessment, to discuss any womb issues I  have experienced recently and in the past – she uses this information to determine which herbs will be best suited for my session. The candlelit room was infused with the fragrant smell of essential oils and she played Chakra Balancing music to help me relax. She offered me an eye mask to block out any light so I could enjoy my session privately. She gave me warm herbal tea to sip on while I steamed.  Next, I sat on the yoni pot ( soft golden seat fit for a queen) and felt the warm water rise to meet my vulva. Alicia made sure to adjust the temperature until it was perfect. Pulsating sensations filled my vagina and my lips felt incredibly moisturized and open. In this calm and quiet environment, I took the time to meditate! Alicia recommended that I take this time to release stored emotions, and send loving intention to your womb. Once I settled into it, I felt connected, relaxed and rejuvenated during and immediately after steaming.  

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What I loved most about the session is the conversation that Alicia and I had. While I was steaming, we have a sisterly chat about healing generational wounds, healing our real sisters, healing with our black men and dating.  Y’all this was my first time meeting this woman, we clicked instantly! This is what I love most about working with healers of color, we get each other. The work that black women and men are doing in the wellness space is for our community, our culture and the future generations to come.

At the end of 45 minutes, the pelvic cramps I was experiencing stopped and I felt like my vagina took a deep breath – a release.  If my vagina had a personality, I would describe her as cool, calm and collected. In the same way we get facials steams to open our pores and clear all the blockage on our skin, Yoni Steams do the same for your vagina. I basically had a spa day solely focused on Little Magic!  So yes, I definitely recommend it. 

More about Honeydew Holistics and Yoni Steaming Below: 

What does sensuality mean to you? As a black woman, it means reconnecting with my divine feminine energy. It’s the freedom to finally be a soft, vulnerable, sexy goddess. It’s an opportunity to let go & indulge in what brings me pleasure and makes me feel good.

What is a Yoni? And, what is a Yoni Steam? How does Yoni steaming help you tap into your divine sexuality and allows you to connect to your sisters? Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the womb. For many of us that grew up embarrassed to talk about our vaginas above a whisper tone, referred to it as “down there”, or constantly heard it spoken of as a source of pain, trauma, or only a vessel for birth; the term yoni is super empowering. It is a reminder that my womb is also the source of my creative energy, passion, & pleasure. It’s no longer being reduced to just the organ that we bleed from monthly & use to carry and birth babies.


Yoni steaming is a natural & gentle holistic form of hydrotherapy based on indigenous African traditions. It has been historically used to cleanse the uterus, release stored physical & emotional toxins, and remove blockages that impede the flow of sensual energy from our sacral chakra. Otherwise, many women often feel very disconnected from their own womb space and other women in general. As we do this healing work, we’re clearing out generational trauma, old beliefs & past relationships. We’re creating space for sacred sisterhood & deeper levels of intimacy.

What herbs do you use in a Yoni Steam? It depends on the individual and what we discuss during the assessment. I may use Raspberry leaf to help cleanse & tone the uterus. Or Chickweed if the client has fibroids. I will include Motherwort if the desire is to increase fertility or Damiana for the libido. I always include aromatics like Rose petals & Lavender. These offer healing properties as well as aromatherapy while steaming.


What do you want black women to know about womb wellness? I want black women to feel empowered. So many are suffering from womb & hormonal imbalance issues because of our diet and environmental factors. My goal as a womb wellness practitioner is to teach other women of color on how to use our food as medicine by eating a plant-based diet. As well as how to use herbs internally & externally to nourish & heal our bodies. And through using yoni steaming as a sacred self-care ritual, we can harness & channel our sacral energy so that we can live our best, creative, sensual, abundant lives!


Can you yoni steam at home? Yes you can, if you have a proper stool & the right herbs. I prefer to use a throne that is fully enclosed so none of the steam escapes. The healing vapors go directly into the interior of the vagina and is absorbed into the very porous skin on the inside and outside. I also use a range underneath to maintain a consistent temperature which allows you to steam longer. If you are unable to do this at home, on your own, I strongly suggest having A professional yoni steam instead administered by a practitioner.

Can you wear a yoni egg while yoni Steaming? No, you should remove your yoni egg & piercings while you steam. You should also inform your practitioner if you have an IUD inserted.  

How did you get into the wellness space? 13 years ago I had a beautiful home birth with my son Zuri and it literally changed the trajectory of my life. It inspired me to become a doula so I could support other black women wishing to have a blissful birth experience. I’ve also been a vegan since I was a teenager and decided to complete my Holistic Health Coaching Certification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to help support my clients who want to break food addictions and transition to a plant-based lifestyle. I completed Queen Afua’s Sacred Woman Training Program & did my Yoni Steam Practitioner Certification with the Yoni Steam Institute as well.

How can Yoni Steams help you manifest? It helps because in order to truly manifest, we have to first do our clearing work and release what no longer serves us physically, emotionally, and energetically.


 What do you want black women to know about their sensuality? You are beautiful, vibrant, sacred, sensual, beings. You are worthy & deserving of unconditional love, pleasure & joy. My goal as a practitioner is to create a space for you to relax, indulge in a self-care ritual, and engage in some self-healing privately.

Where can we learn more about your work?  Check out my website at and follow me on Instagram @honeydewholistics. 

Ladies, continue to heal and take care of your womb. This is your life force. This is your center of gravity, creativity, and discernment. 

Sending you love and light, 





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