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Orgasms aren’t just about pleasure; they might also contribute to maintaining your overall health. Studies indicate that orgasms possess unique properties that could aid in combating aging and may act as a pain reliever for headaches.

As highlighted by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer during her 2022 Mindvalley Talks lecture, orgasms can do more than just bring us sexual satisfaction. Orgasms, whether we achieve them alone or with a partner, have been known to do amazing things for the body.

A study from 2009 discovered that achieving the “Big O” could assist women in boosting the production of estrogen, an essential component for maintaining youthful skin. The research revealed significant levels of estradiol, a type of estrogen, in women who experienced sexual climax.


Estrogen has been known to sustain collagen levels, a potent protein that helps the skin maintain its youthful appearance and resilience against wrinkles. Additionally, research has suggested that estrogen can decrease epidermal thinning in aging skin, helping you to preserve skin thickness. Estrogen can also act as a powerful anti-skin-aging property. 

Orgasms can help to alleviate headaches.

Debilitating migraines and headaches can be excruciating, but there’s intriguing evidence suggesting that reaching climax might offer relief from these tormenting conditions, as noted by Peer. During the climax, women experience powerful rhythmic muscle contractions in the genital region, leading to a release of tension and a blissful sense of euphoria. Researchers hypothesize that endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals, play a key role in the pain relief experienced during this unique process, as they are released when climax occurs.

A comprehensive 2013 survey encompassing 800 individuals grappling with migraines and 200 patients enduring cluster headaches—those debilitating headaches occurring in distinct patterns—revealed intriguing findings about this research.

Among migraine sufferers, 34% disclosed involvement in sexual activity during an attack, with a noteworthy 60% reporting subsequent improvement. Of those who experienced relief, 70% described their symptoms as moderately to wholly alleviated.

For patients contending with cluster headaches, 31% similarly engaged in sexual activity during an episode, with 37% experiencing relief afterward. Astonishingly, a substantial 91% of those reporting relief described their symptoms as moderately to wholly relieved.


Can orgasms fight cancer?

As highlighted by Peer, there’s evidence indicating that Natural Killer Cells (NK Cells) surge during the orgasm process, especially in men. However, further research is warranted to understand how this phenomenon operates in women. Nonetheless, studies have hinted at the potential of NK cells as a potent weapon in cancer treatment therapy.

Per the Cleveland Clinic, NK Cells act as vigilant soldiers, constantly surveying your body for any signs of trouble among your cells. When they encounter a cell that appears diseased or harmful, they don’t hesitate to unleash a barrage of lethal chemicals, effectively neutralizing the threat.

There’s evidence to suggest that NK cells could play a powerful role in immunotherapy, a form of cancer treatment that harnesses the power of our immune system to combat cancer cells. While T cell-based therapies have made significant strides, they face challenges due to their selectivity and potential for inducing inflammation. Moreover, sourcing T cells directly from patients presents logistical hurdles.

Enter NK cells, another type of immune cell that holds immense promise. Unlike T cells, NK cells exhibit broader targeting capabilities and are less prone to causing inflammation. They’ve shown remarkable efficacy, particularly against blood cancers. However, their effectiveness against solid tumors, such as those found in the breast or lung, remains limited, according to studies.


RELATED CONTENT: Are Your Birth Control Pills Killing Your Orgasm?

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