Black people do not play when it comes to sending the babies off to prom in style! A video of a recent Cinderella-inspired send-off is making its rounds across social media.

Onlookers gather around what appears to be a fairy castle, and the magic begins!

“My dear, why are you so sad today,” the woman asks the teenager in the clip projected onto the castle as the crowd watches and records with their phones.

“My prom is in a few hours, and I don’t have anything to wear,” says the young lady. “You don’t have anything to wear?” the woman replies.

She then looks down at her clothes, which mirror the rags worn by Cinderella in the beloved fairytale, and says, “I was thinking I could just wear this dress and fix my hair up a little bit.”

“Oh no dear, you cannot wear that dress to prom,” says the woman who is supposed to portray the fairy godmother from the story. “But no worries, let’s get your size. The shade of your eyes is something simple but fabulous, too. Leave it up to me. What a beautiful prom gown this will be.”

“Bippity bop, bippity bop, bippity bopity boop,” she chants as the crowd stares ahead in awe. At one point during the interaction, one person even yells out, “C’mon, Disney.” It isn’t long before the big reveal happens, and out pops the teen.

The doors to the castle open, and out she walks, adorning a beautiful gold gown, prompting oohs and aahs from a very engaged crowd.

At the end of the post are photos from her big night, some including her date, whose tuxedo matched the colors of her gown, making for a picture-perfect night!

It looks as though prom season continues to get bigger and better each year, one reveal at a time!

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