Baby Please: Maternity Sex Is Some Of The Greatest Sex You’ll Ever Have, Here’s Why

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3) Yoga Breaths

pregnant black woman doing yoga outdoors

Source: Amanda Caroline da Silva / Getty

When the big O comes along the toes curl, your eyes close so tight you swear you just met God and you begin to hyperventilate like someone just told you Idris Elba wants to be the father of your next child. No? Just me? Cool, cool, cool. BUT, I learned to control those breaths, and take deep yoga breaths through it all. Not only did I prolong my orgasm, but I was also practicing the breathing techniques that were going to get me through labor. Now, I ended up having a c-section but having a panic attack midway through those breaths came in handy to calm myself down. So breathe deep and take it all in, babe. Yep – all of it.

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