SUNDAY ‘NOIRE: Do You Really Need To ‘Fix’ Your Yoni?

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Why Get Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Yoni, grapefruit, Vagina

Source: Maria / Pexel

There are a number of reasons vaginal rejuvenation occurs – some medical and some cosmetic. There are instances when doctors might recommend these types of procedures to a woman. For example, a woman with a particularly long labia can find it uncomfortable to sit down. Or her labia might be pushed inside her vagina during intercourse, which can be painful. In this case, a labiaplasty would be considered a medical procedure. Additionally, women who have had multiple children might have a prolapsed vagina or experience urinary incontinence. Vaginal rejuvenation can greatly improve their comfort during everyday activities.

Then there are strictly cosmetic procedures. If one’s vulva or vagina is not causing them any discomfort or pain, is functioning properly, and the procedure is just meant to perfect the appearance of the genital area, this is a cosmetic procedure. And many health experts advise against it. Furthermore, some women undergo vaginal muscle tightening to make penetrative sex feel better for their partner. However, these procedure comes with risks, and are not medically necessary.

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