Put Your Money Where Your Values Are: Ethical Holiday Decor Guide

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Or Get A High-Quality Fake Tree

Mother with a cute little daughter decorating a Christmas tree at home for a winter holidays

Source: Lordn / Getty

If you can give up the idea of a real tree, a quality fake tree can last you for years and years to come, and prevent you from tossing out real trees every year. Look for a fake tree made from polyethylene (PE) instead of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PE is what is used in newer fake trees, as it lasts longer, and doesn’t leave you with dozens of fake needles on the floor.

Always read the reviews. If a tree falls apart fast, buyers will talk about it. It’s better to invest a little more money into a long-lasting fake tree than opt for a less expensive one that you’ll have to throw away in a year or two.

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