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public breakups

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It’s the spooky season, the holiday season, the time-with-friends season, but it’s also breakup season. Yup, that’s a thing and we are currently in the thick of it. According to a new survey conducted by Her Norm, there are certain times of year when breakups are more common than others. More specifically, these are times of the year when people are searching for tips on “how to break up.” And, some states are even more prone to breakups at certain times of the year than others.

It is no coincidence that certain seasons trigger romantic endings. With each new month comes certain traditions and unavoidable changes that can leave people reconsidering with whom they partner up with. When you get to know the trends, you’ll see there’s logic behind the weeks and days when people choose to reclaim their single status. Here are the most common times of the year for breakups:


Breakup Season: The Most Common Weeks To Call It Quits


Pre-Halloween and Halloween

According to the survey, Minnesota, Massachusetts, California and Nebraska are big on October breakups. Nebraska should be seeing a surge right around now (Oct. 24 through Oct. 30 are peak breakup days).

Why it happens: the day after Halloween, we’re launched immediately into the official holiday season. This is when we start going home to our families. Halloween is the last “party” holiday of the season, until New Year’s Eve. There’s lots of festive soirees and dinners with parents and extended family from here on out. As one expert explains in Psychology Today, having your family like your partner is a big predictor of relationship success. So, around Halloween there may be some reconsidering on whether the person they’re with is someone they want to bring home for the family-oriented holidays.


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