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A twisted murder case is developing out of Staten Island.

28-year-old home health aide Rene Ayarde was arrested and charged on Nov. 12, for the murder of 80-year-old Robert Raynor. According to NBC 4 News, Ayarde was living with Raynor during the time of the incident, but the motive behind his death still remains unclear.

The elderly man’s body was initially discovered in the hallway of his apartment building on July 19, with blunt force trauma wounds to his head and torso. Raynor also had the words, “I touch little girls” written on his chest, according to officials.

The New York Post reported that two other disturbing sentences were found scrawled across other parts of the man’s body including “I take dolls in my room for girls age 1-5” on his stomach, and “I touch” on his right foot.” Raynor was reportedly wearing his “pants below his waist” when police found his body. Now, months later Ayarde is being charged in connection to the 80-year-old’s vicious assault and murder.

Ayarde was extradited in New Jersey, and then taken to New York City, where she was charged with assault, murder, and manslaughter for the killing. Coincidentally, the 28-year-old was already facing charges stemming from a child abuse incident in the months following Raynor’s death. Sources say the home health aide allegedly beat her 3-year-old daughter in broad daylight.

According to a criminal complaint, a few witnesses saw Ayarde “pick up a young child and drop the child to the concrete” and “throw a full water bottle at the child’s face,” NBC 4 News noted. When a bystander tried to call the police for help, Ayarde allegedly yelled “are you calling the police? Give me your phone” and knocked the witness to the ground.

Officials said they discovered bruising on the young girl’s neck and injuries to her knees, face and cheek when they arrived on the scene. Her daughter reportedly told police, “I was outside and mommy threw me on the floor.”

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