Sis, Are You Mistreating Your Vagina?: Here Are 8 Habits That Says You Are

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vaginal health

Source: FreshSplash / Getty

Using harsh soap down there

Your vagina is self-cleaning. It’s a magical thing. You technically don’t need to do anything to wash it and you shouldn’t. Using douches or putting any soap inside of your vagina can throw off the pH balance, ultimately leading to an infection that causes odor – the very thing you were hoping to avoid. If you really want to put some soap on the outer parts of your vagina, use all natural, gentle soaps, use just a little, and don’t scrub hard. Washing the area too much can wash away healthy bacteria around the vagina that also helps to prevent infection. Don’t fall for products that make you believe you should be ashamed of the smell of your vagina. It smells fine.

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