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African American student looking happy on his graduation day

Source: andresr / Getty

For decades there’s been this notion that men who’ve achieved certain academic and professional milestones in their lives, appear great on paper but in real life they may be working with a superiority complex that makes dating or partnering with them absolutely unbearable.

But for many of us, it’s hearsay or we’ve run into a guy or two who brags openly about his accomplishments. Now, in these digital days, men like this are sharing their accomplishments and consequential worth on social media. And while I’m sure this post was meant to be a not so humble brag. It ended up back firing, tremendously.

It began with a post from this past January, when Instagram user, @cj_isking who was celebrating his graduation from Southern University Law Center. It was an accomplishment for which he deserved to be proud. But it was the posturing that came after that left people wondering about this young man’s humility.

In the Instagram post, the recent graduate wrote:

“Now that I’m JD’d (bar number loading) I’ve entered into a new arena of black men, and in this arena I’M THE PRIZE NOW!!!

CJ recognized that someone might bristle at the suggestion so he decided to elaborate on this claim.

“Black women don’t want to deal with a black man who’s gay/down low, has baby mama issues, or has a felony conviction/record/in jail which collectively is a large percentage of our race unfortunately as statistically 37% of black men are in jail while 1/3 of black men have some form of criminal record. Black women typically don’t want to “date down” and prefer to have a black man that is on the same playing field as her or higher, well statistically only 7% of black men are professionals.”

He explained that this meant the dating pool for Black women looking to date Black men was extremely limited based on the aforementioned criteria. And because he didn’t match any of the characteristics he previously mentioned, he was ,with his advanced degrees, heterosexual, no-kid having-self, a prize.

“So with me now gaining access into this very small percentage of black men that are young (for the record I’m under 30 with 2 degrees), single and attractive, are heterosexual, have no criminal record, no baby mama drama, and have some form of high paying career potential, that majority of black women are competing against each other for…

You tell me who’s the real prize here???

Ooo wee. I’m sure this type of bravado worked for some women. But for most folk online, it had the opposite affect. And in the months since he posted it, CJ has found himself to be the brunt of the internet’s jokes and very real criticism for a mindset that seems to celebrate the notion that Black women will compete against one another for one of the few “good” brothers out here. See what they had to say on the following pages.

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