10 Ways to Tell That You’re Being Used

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4.  “You said you work at (insert popular organization/business here)?  Can I come with you to your next meeting?”

I’m a go-getter and I usually surround myself with people who are doing the same, but there’s nothing worse than sharing news about your new promotion, latest business venture or professional success with a friend who immediately manipulates the conversation into how your success will benefit them.  It kind of goes something like this:

You: “Can you believe the marketing manager chose me to head the new advertising project?”

User: “Your marketing manager does know I detail cars?  When’s the last time they had their interior treated?”

Someone who is truly supportive will celebrate your success without using every opportunity to hitch a ride on your coat tails to further their professional status.  There’s nothing wrong with networking, but you shouldn’t be seen solely as one of the stairs on your friend’s career ladder.

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