The-Dream Exposed: Are These Men Out Of Their Minds?

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It’s obvious that there are certain types of people in general–and men, specifically–who thrive off of doing dirt. I’m no psychologist, but I’ve seen it myself that people who have had painful pasts, continue their lives with abusive (to self and others) behavior. The-Dream says he grew up without love, and Christina says she had enduring pain from growing up without a father. As Rev. Run has said: “Hurt people, hurt people.” That’s still no excuse because I bet Christina–and whatever drew her to be with The-Dream–didn’t expect to be played like this. The look on The-Dream’s face in these pictures–and don’t tell me he didn’t know someone was standing in the water with a camera OR plan to “leak” them on the day he was “saddened to announce” their split–says it all. He was ready to move on quick, fast and in a hurry.

Yesterday on Twitter, JuliaBeverly, founder of Ozone Magazine said: “If christina milian, halle berry etc are getting cheated on, there’s no hope for the rest of us.” Julia purposely started a fire-storm–and says she gained 300 new followers–by posting that statement because women don’t really feel that way, right? While Julia says she was “half-joking,” it’s a sad state of affairs if that is what is really going on in the psyche of women these days. The truth is that cheaters cheat no matter who they are with or married to, and liars lie, and that actor/producer/Hollywood guy screaming at you like a banshee? You better believe he was yelling the same way at his previous wife of 28 years. It’s not you, it’s them!

So, can we cast aside all the jerks for once and for all? Folks may laugh at women making checklists about what they want and won’t accept in a relationship, but I say please, make a checklist, put that joint on your refrigerator and remind yourself everyday of what you need and deserve. Is he calling you? Spending time with you? Speaking and acting respectfully? Is he accountable for his actions? Does he have goals? Does he love you for who you are and not who he think you should be? Do he make you smile?

Stop settling for the kind of guys that speak and act disrespectful and start choosing men who are responsible, mature, respectful, kind and know how to love. Yes, there are a lot of B.S. guys out there to sift through, but Madames, aren’t you worth it?

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