MadameNoire Featured Video African-American woman looking to one side as if reading copy isolated on white

There are some damaging and downright mean myths out there about women who are single past a certain age, or women who have simply never been in a long-term relationship. For some reason, a man can go well into his 50’s, unmarried and unattached and the most reaction he gets from his friends is a little concern because, “It would be nice if he had somebody.” But that’ it—they just think he’s missing out, but they don’t worry that something is fundamentally wrong with him. Not so for women, though. Every friend group is always highly aware of their one perpetually-single female friend; every office has its eye on the female staff member who never brings a date to the company parties, and hasn’t had any prospects in years. Perpetually single women stick out like a sore thumb, even when they don’t do anything to make it so besides just be single. Here are misconceptions about the perpetually single woman.

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They can’t compromise

Many perpetually single women are actually wonderful at compromising, as evidenced by the decade-long friendships and long careers they’ve had at the same place. Those types of relationships alone show that they can be a team player and think about what’s best for the group over themselves. Maybe men have just asked them to compromise too much in relationships, to the point where they’d be losing themselves.






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