Bursting Your Bubble: Delusional Women

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You’re delusional if:

You think because he doesn’t talk about seeing other people that he’s not seeing other people. Just because your delusional self chose to cut off your other options, some of whom could have been potential suitors, doesn’t mean he shares the same stupidity. Did he tell you that he wants to date exclusively, no; so then why would you imagine that the two of you are exclusive. I know why. You’re delusional.

Don’t confuse my disdain for the delusional woman with me defending the men who create illusions of grandeur for women and tell them exactly what they want to hear to get in the bed with them. No, those men are horrible excuses for human beings and karma will deal with them accordingly. I’m talking about the women who create the illusions for themselves with no real rationale as to why. Have a seat Ms. Delusional until you can logically have interactions with the opposite sex you’re on a time-out.

What do you think about delusional woman? Do we blame them or the men who deal with them?

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