How to Win Any Argument With Your Man

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A Tall Glass of STFU

My homegirl Miss E calls it the fine art of “stfu.” Basically knowing when to say when. Sometimes an argument is just going around in circles and no one is saying anything, nothing is getting resolved and emotions are flaring. This is a perfect recipe for one of you to say something you will inevitably regret. So instead of saying something you don’t mean – have a seat and drink a tall glass of stfu. Come back to the discussion with a cooler head and really try to understand your significant other’s point of view. Sometimes you just have to be silent.

I’m anti-arguing but if I have to, I’m a pretty fierce debater. I don’t follow the rule about not going to bed angry, though I really should, because I hate waking up with an attitude. But at the end of the day I’m a promoter of creating good communication lines between partners because without it we won’t have much of a relationship. Try looking at an argument as a meeting of the minds. You want to impart some things on him and allow him to impart some knowledge on you and therein lies compromise, which is really the best way to win an argument.

If by chance I missed a few and you’d like to share please email them to nativenotes.

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