Fierce Short Hair Styles for Sistas

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Ain’t No Shame in Yo Wig Game

Hey, if you just really don’t know what to do with your head, there’s nothing wrong with throwing on a wig and experimenting with a few different cuts, colors and textures. The great thing about wigs is that there is no commitment at all, and your own hair still lies beneath. To keep your wig from looking overly shiny and obviously artificial, go for human hair wigs, as opposed to synthetics. If you’re bold, experiment with some bold colors for a night out on the town. Whenever, wherever, wigs can work. Lace front wigs are a popular option too, as shown by Tyra Banks and Beyonce, but the use of double stick tape and/or glue needed to hold these wigs down might not be the best look for the front of your scalp. A regular wig is one of the best protectants for your hair. Wear a satin cap or wrap underneath that will keep friction between the wig and your hair from happening, and after that, hit the streets.

*Try the styles you’ve been dying to see on your own head or loved on someone else’s

*Allows you to experiment with new colors, a la Nicki Minaj

*Protects your hair from being whipped by the cold wind

*Try human hair wigs instead of synthetic; while they cost more, they tend to look better and last longer

*Lace fronts, a staple for Beyonce and Tyra Banks are also a wig option, but can require glue or double stick tape which could be uncomfortable. Plus they’re a lot more expensive wig wise. But they do give a seamless hairline

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