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Chances are most of us have had a job we could not stand. And though we relished the day it was time for us to leave, most of us left quietly not wanting to burn any bridges or sully our reputation for the next opportunity. But apparently, Glory, a former associate auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), wanted to go out with a blaze. Not only did she quit her job, she did so with a lengthy e-mail, in which she called her co-workers fake, told them they needed to get a life, told them that no one cared about their animals, gave them advice, complete with hashtags. And then, in the craziest part of the e-mail, she listed 10 reasons why Beyoncé was better than Britney Spears.

The highlights 

Auditing is a job for people who truly don’t have any other options and don’t know what else they could be doing. You work day in and day out pulling useless documentation and filling out useless workpapers that won’t really benefit anybody. All of it is BS!

Trying to get all in people’s business…STOP! Everybody isn’t an open book and I’m not the type to give you my life story within five minutes as a lot of you in public accounting do. #mindyourbusiness #keepthosenoseyquestionstoyourself #noneofyourbeeswax

XXXXXX, you’re fake important and you stink. I’ve peeped your game…constantly trying to throw me under the bus. You talk too much about everyone and how much you’re so stressed out on all of your clients …everyday we suffer from hearing this ish as well as listening to your countless stories about your girlfriend. You’re such a gossiper that sometimes I think you’re more feminine then you appear. Who does that? You’re a grown man, get your life! #somethingtotakebacktomizzy #f*outtahere #yourlifesucksandyouclearlyknowit #somethingtotakebacktotheteam? #chattycathy #femininemuch? #someoneneedstheirvagwaxed #ohwaityoudonthaveone

It all seems a little crazy…and it is; but it’s also simultaneously brilliant. Who hasn’t had a coworker who thought the entire company was interested in his or her relationship woes? Who hasn’t had a coworker who attempted to throw them under the bus or tried to get all up in your business? And furthermore, if you’ve ever worked with people who tried to argue a point that was just fundamentally wrong, you can understand Glory’s passion about the Britney vs Beyoncé thing.

And her passion was celebrated. After she pressed send, on November 6, her resignation e-mail went viral and people have been celebrating her for having the guts to say what we were too afraid to. And then, because she’s black, other folks have said some very racist things in response.

Check out the e-mail in its entirety on the next page and then we’ll discuss Glory’s reaction and the ramifications of her actions on the page after that.

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