Can You Believe It? More Pre-Teens on the Pill

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This finding leaves open the possibility that the increasing number of girls who are taking contraceptives may be using them for medical reasons, including:

– Heavy periods (excessive bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea)

– Acne

– Irregular periods

– Amenorrhea (no periods due to extreme weight loss, anorexia, or side effects of radiation/chemotherapy)

Though being on the pill is not an indicator of a girl having underage sex, it’s too easy to assume that a large percentage of the pre-teens are using contraception to prevent pregnancy. Reproductive health is always a controversial topic, but when you throw in underage sex, you’ve got controversy.

It forces me to think about what I would do in the situation. What would I do if my daughter was a pre-teen and had extreme periods or a medical need for the pill? While I would I talk with her doctor about prescribing the pill at that age, I honestly don’t know what my final decision would be. Though the pill has been studied for years and is known as one of the safest medications around, is it just too much for an 11-year-old to take emotionally and socially?

As much as parents try to urge our kids to wait to have sex, there are also some parents out there who do not even broach the subject with their children. I know, it’s easy to sit at a computer and write about social ills. I also personally know parents who think they’ve done everything “right” and have a daughter who is an 18-year-old mom. As many tasks as we have on our plates, it’s important to take the time to discuss these issues–some recommend parents start talking to kids about their bodies at age five, giving basic information about safe sex and reproduction and sexual health.

What do you think? Is putting your daughter on birth control for medical or reproductive reasons a personal matter?

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