Revenge of The Nerds: Reasons Why You Should Give Geeks A Chance

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4. Nerds Are Less Likely to Cheat

Speaking of appreciating you, studies have shown that most geeky guys are less likely to cheat – mainly because they haven’t dated dozens and dozens of women and haven’t become desensitized to what being in a relationship actually means. Do you know the saying, “Men are only as faithful as their options’? In the case of a man who is not usually sought after, the nerd may be at a “disadvantage” when it comes to men who have access to many sexual partners. However, because of this, nerds may come to appreciate having a special person in their lives and don’t want to do anything to risk losing them. Again, there are some nerds who are jerks, and some jocks who are gems – but if nerds find it hard to get into a relationship, they may work harder to keep it.

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