On the June 17 episode of Recipe For Change, host, singer and actor Hayley Kiyoko teamed up with renowned Chef Susan Feniger to lead a critical discussion on the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals. They explored their personal journeys as lesbians in their respective industries and families.


While enjoying a delicious meal consisting of tacos, guacamole and vegetable ceviche, the duo were joined by prominent LGBTQIA+ figures such as TV personality Mal Wright, media mogul B. Scott, author Chrishell Stause and activist Jesse Sullivan. Together, they shared stories of navigating the complexities of coming out to family, managing careers, and fostering a supportive environment where LGBTQIA+ community members can embrace their identities with strength and pride.

At the start of the video, Sullivan, a trans TikTok influencer known for his passionate advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights, prompted the group to share their experiences finding the courage to come out to their families and loved ones.

Sullivan revealed his own journey, having come out twice—first as a lesbian and later as a transgender man. He recounted facing severe criticism during his second coming out experience, particularly since it occurred during a period of heightened discrimination against the transgender community in America, marked by strong support for Trump’s anti-LGBTQIA+ policies.

“I lost a lot of family members,” Sullivan recalled, noting how he faced criticism from some of his lesbian friends for identifying as trans. Ultimately, Sullivan drew strength from living openly and proudly as a trans man. Though painful, the experience empowered him to “filter out” those individuals who were unsupportive and find a community that unconditionally embraced him.

For B. Scott, coming out wasn’t an easy process. From a young age, the media mogul shared that their mother frequently caused them to question their identity as a trans non-binary individual. Each night, she would read them the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah from Genesis, depicting the destruction of both cities due to their profound wickedness and moral decay.

Their upbringing instilled lasting doubts about their identity. It wasn’t until they left home and forged their own spiritual path that they began to embrace their true power as a trans individual.

Chiming in on the discussion, Wright shared that she was unintentionally outed when she was caught in the act “exploring” her sexuality with another woman at home. The act of revealing someone’s LGBTQ identity without their consent is commonly known as outing.

“That was rough! It did not go well. I laugh about it today,” she chuckled. According to the star, she never remembered talking about queerness with her family growing up. Even school shopping was difficult, as her family would become defensive when she asked to purchase clothing from the boys section. 

“We didn’t have talks about that… they didn’t even think about queerness. My parents are immigrants and they’re older. And I think coming to this country, they had to appease and fit in. I did think it was rooted in safety.”


Later in the show, Sullivan, B. Scott, Kiyoko, Feniger, Wright and Stause shared their personal experiences of receiving both support and criticism from the LGBTQIA+ community.

B. Scott recounted a heartbreaking moment when they were abruptly removed from a red carpet event in 2013 for appearing “too feminine,” leading to a rushed transformation of their hair and makeup to present a more “masculine” appearance.

Years later, the media titan experienced a transformative milestone when they were offered a groundbreaking opportunity to host and executive produce a television show for a major Black network in 2021. This marked a significant shift for B. Scott, finally feeling celebrated and witnessing positive changes in support for transgender visibility.

B. Scott told their Recipe For Change cast mates that they felt so blessed for the opportunity to make a difference.

“I made it to the inclusion that I helped paved the way for… I’m now here being the first trans, non-binary person to host and executive produce a show on a Black network,” they recalled.

Kiyoko applauded B. Scott, emphasizing how important it is for people to “create space” for LGBTQIA+ members to feel safe and be themselves.

“If you have the opportunity, you have to just do it,” Kiyoko added during the discussion.

Watch the full episode of Recipe For Change above.


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