Simon Guobadia and his estranged wife, Porsha Williams, are still resolving their rocky divorce in court. Now, the 60-year-old businessman is making efforts to prevent the 42-year-old reality TV star from filming in his pricey Rolls Royce.

Per Radar Online, Guobadia reportedly filed a cease and desist letter this month, requesting that court officials bar Williams from filming in the upcoming season of Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) inside his expensive 2021 Rolls Royce Ghost, the exact $398,000 vehicle he gifted Porsha in 2022 as an engagement present, months before their November 2022 wedding.

A photo posted to his Instagram account on June 12 seemingly hinted at his latest court filing. The post read, “No More Africans… No More Rolls Royces… #BuyYourOwn.”

According to court documents, Guobadia asserted that he should possess full authority over the vehicle since he purchased and insured the 2021 Rolls Royce Ghost solely in his name that year. As evidence, he included documents demonstrating both purchase and ownership, along with a copy of the vehicle insurance card.

“Mr. Guobadia does not consent to the release, disclosure, or publication of the Rolls Royce, nor does he consent to the taping, filming, photography, or recording of the Rolls Royce, including any aspects of any activity in or about the Rolls Royce,” Guobadia’s cease and desist letter read.

“Upon information and belief, True Entertainment, LLC may have been filming, recording, or photographing the Rolls Royce while it may have been in the use and/or possession of third parties other than Mr. Simon Guobadia. If such actions have occurred, I am requesting that no photographs or recordings be released, disclosed, or published as Mr. Guobadia does not consent to the same regarding his vehicle.”

The complaint warned Williams and her legal team to adhere to the request or face subsequent legal action.


Guobadia posed an interesting question on Instagram.

Guobadia seemed to take another dig at his estranged wife on Instagram in a follow-up post on Wednesday, questioning whether it was appropriate for someone who is “legally married” to “exchange expensive gifts with an ex.” It’s unclear if he was referring to himself or the RHOA housewife.

However, the question elicited comments from Williams’s fans, who wasted no time letting the Nigerian baller know their thoughts.

One user wrote, “Translation: I want Porsha to know I’m buying an ex something expensive in an attempt to somehow make her feel a kinda way. Ya ain’t slick, Joe!”

A second netizen penned, “It is no different than spending time with other women, who are not your wife and out of the company of your wife while you are still married. Do not place shackles on others that you do not choose to wear yourself.”

A third person commented, “I mean, is it appropriate to drag your ex through the mud on social media every day and then expect her to still uphold marital values? Are you asking for yourself?? #realtalk.”

Radar Online pointed out that Guobadia’s cease and desist letter coincided with a judge granting Williams temporary use of their shared home in Atlanta. In May, he filed a motion to prevent RHOA from filming inside their residence.

RELATED CONTENT: Porsha Williams Flaunts New Hair Amid Divorce From Simon Guobadia

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