Dr. Anthony Fauci is under scrutiny for his management of the COVID-19 crisis. On May 31, during a closed-door hearing with the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, the former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) acknowledged that there may have been insufficient scientific research and planning behind key measures like social distancing, vaccine mandates and masking.

The rationale falls short, given that these protocols, enforced by national health authorities, disrupted American life significantly with their sudden implementations and led to financial loss, education delays and many health problems for millions of Americans. 

Fauci offered a paltry response when members of the Select Subcommittee grilled him on whether the six-foot social distancing measure implemented during the pandemic was based on science and proven research. Fauci claimed that the protocol “sort of just appeared” and didn’t “recall” a discussion on the topic.  

However, during a follow-up hearing on June 3, Fauci asserted that the stringent rule, which led to delays in education, critical health screenings and crippled business, was based on droplet research. Abstaining from accountability, the former Chief medical advisor to then-President Trump said he had little to do with implementing the six-foot social distancing rule, ABC News noted. 

“When I say ‘was not based in science,’ I meant a prospective clinical trial to determine whether six foot was better than three, was better than 10,” he added. 

There was also a lack of accountability regarding implementing mask and vaccine mandates.

During the closed-door hearing in May, Fauci stated that he did not recall supporting evidence for mandating masks for children, despite CDC guidelines recommending mask-wearing for children, especially in schools with mask mandates in place. Studies have suggested that mask-wearing hindered language processing and emotion recognition skills for young children and led to a 13% reduction in childcare program closures across the U.S.

Shutting down schools dealt a severe blow to children, particularly Black children. Remote learning fell short of the mark compared to in-person learning for Black children, who often lacked the necessary technology to engage effectively in remote classes, such as high-speed internet, functional computers, and other vital resources.

A study by the Black Coalition Against COVID-19 found that Black students lagged in learning by six to 12 months compared to their white counterparts, who are typically four to eight months behind. While access gaps to the internet and devices have decreased over time, disparities persist for Black children.

Unsurprisingly, Fauci also offered a crappy response when asked about vaccine mandates. Vaccine mandates resulted in thousands of Americans losing their jobs due to concerns and hesitancy surrounding the vaccine.

While the vaccine undoubtedly played a crucial role in saving countless lives, the strict enforcement of mandates caused undue financial hardship for workers who rightly sought more comprehensive scientific research regarding its potential side effects and long-term health implications. Fauci acknowledged that the mandates and their consequences were not adequately studied before the pandemic.

So, were Fauci and his team simply fabricating all of these guidelines?

The pandemic cast its shadow over virtually every aspect of society, from the realms of business, finance, and housing to the essential sectors of public education and healthcare. Yet perhaps the most devastating impact lies in the staggering loss of lives worldwide. In the U.S. alone, the toll has been immense, with over one million deaths as of May 2024, according to the CDC.

The COVID-19 crisis unveiled stark disparities, particularly in the Black community, where the burdens of COVID-19 were disproportionately heavy. Black Americans died at 1.4 times the rate from COVID-19 compared to their white counterparts and faced a host of health problems, including elevated rates of anxiety and depression due to losing family members, wage loss and isolation. 

Fauci and the NIAID’s shortcomings led to a 48% deferral of routine health screenings due to social distancing measures, as indicated by studies. These screenings were pivotal in identifying and addressing health issues like cancer, obesity and heart disease, which disproportionately impacted mortality rates from COVID-19 within the Black community and other demographics.

RELATED CONTENT:  These 3 Black Women Refuse To Get COVID-19 Vaccination And Here’s Why

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