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An adult accidentally knocked down a toddler in a TikTok, eliciting hilarious reactions from netizens as the perturbed child flipped the middle finger.


Source: NickyLloyd / Getty

Last week tharealbreerene shared a video on TikTok and Instagram, that began with multiple people at a gathering outside until an accident turned hilariously gangster. A tall adult male with a letterman jacket cluelessly backed into a little boy named Marcus, accidentally knocking the toddler onto the concrete.

Adults rushed to Marcus’ aid until he was back on his feet, including the man who accidentally walked into him, and the toddler firmly put up his middle finger in the man’s direction.

Although the fall caused a commotion among the worried adults, little Marcus was seemingly only concerned about the easter egg that fell out of his bag so he decided to give the man a piece of his mind.

Ultimately, everyone laughed it off.

“Have a son why don’t you?” the amused mom captioned the video via Instagram. “Not toooo much on my son.”

In the same post, Bree called out the guy responsible for her son’s fall, saying “Next time watch where you going @reece_r60llin.”

Fans were seemingly unbothered by the little boy’s middle finger and cheered him on for standing on business.

“Nephew said f*** all that baby s*** and let’s address the real problem. Omg priceless,” an Instagram user quipped with laughing emojis.

“That’s right baby his big a** knocked you down he deserved that finger,” another Instagram viewer said about the toddler.

“At least he didn’t cry he probably wanted to squabble,” a TikToker commented under the video.

“He wasn’t wrong,” another comment said about the chucking of the middle finger.

One TikTok comment seemed to recognize Marcus, noting that he was going viral for doing what needed to be done.

“Lmao I knew that was y’all, I’m like wait hold on. He went viral for standing on business,” the comment read.

What do y’all think about Bree’s little boy putting up his middle finger?

This isn’t the first time little Marcus has graced his mother’s TikTok. Bree enjoys sharing details of her life as a boy mom.

Dubbed “the twins,” the mother and son duo often show off their dancing skills, date outings, and memories together.


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