It’s Time To Take A Zen Approach To Investing And Overcome Your Fears

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Know When To Set It And Forget It

Financial trader analyzing stock market exchange trend

Source: Dragos Condrea / Getty

Depending on the types of investments you make, some will naturally go through many highs and lows in a multi-year period, but will generally trend up. Your financial advisor should educate you on the trends you might expect from anything your money is in. If you know these highs and lows are part of the process, don’t panic when you see the lows. Don’t let them fuel your fear of investing.

Think about your investments like your other goals: you know there will be good days and bad days. There will be days you take a step forward and days you face a setback. But overall, you are inching forward and moving in the right direction. Have faith you’ll get where you’re going and apply this to your investments.

The best way to keep your investments from impacting your emotions is to simply not check your portfolio too often. Have a schedule in which you’ll check your investments. Perhaps you can do a quarterly check-in with your advisor and review everything. Know that appointment is coming, and then put it out of mind – get on with your life and be present.


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