Is It COVID-19 Or Seasonal Allergies?

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do i have seasonal allergies

Source: Delmaine Donson / Getty

Muscle aches

Could be either, but more likely COVID-19

If your muscles are so sore that it’s difficult to simply role over in bed, COVID-19 is more likely the culprit than allergies. Allergies can cause some sore muscles – particularly a sore neck from sneezing, or joint pain due to an inflammatory response – but won’t cause all-body aches the way COVID-19 does. If your entire body aches, unfortunately, the virus may be to blame. It’s so aggressive, in fact, that it causes the body to attack itself. Research has found that for some, it causes issues such as rheumatological problems that require a lifetime of management. In certain cases, doctors have given a COVID-19 diagnosis based on musculoskeletal imaging.

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