Things You Didn’t Know About Periods

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Source: ondacaracola photography / Getty

The real cost of periods

You may already be familiar with how pricey things like tampons and pads can be, just from your credit card statement. But in case you didn’t know, August experts informed us, “Seventy percent of menstruators who use tampons use 20 per cycle and average 456 cycles in their lifetime or 9,120 tampons used. At an average price of seven dollars for a box of 36 tampons, the total amount spent is approximately $1,773.33.” However, that’s only the beginning of period expenses. Think about items you buy to minimize PMS symptoms, special period underwear or simple replacement underwear when you ruin a set. “Products such as heating pads, underwear, and birth control are factored in, the total cost of these products over a menstruator’s lifetime is $18,171.

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