How You And Your Partner Can Be Good Financial Influences On Each Other

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finances help

Source: Jamie Carroll / Getty

Have a shared investment goal

Harness the power of having two incomes and two sets of savings. Perhaps there is an investment that you couldn’t afford individually but you can afford it together. Many millennials think they don’t have enough money to invest – but together, you might. Maybe that’s a rental property you can make passive income off of one day. Maybe it’s just buying into a fund that you need a certain amount of money to buy into. You can get more done with 25K than you can with 12.5K, more with 100K than 50K, and you get the idea. So sit down and see if you can land on an investment that you both believe would be smart. Then, agree to design your finances (budgeting, spending, saving) moving forward, with the goal of putting enough aside for that investment.

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