Ways Having Pets Prepares You For Parenthood

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becoming a new parent

Source: mapodile / Getty

Caring deeply for someone else, together

When you have a child, they will be a shared thing (well, person) that you and your partner both care about deeply. You both will feel entitled to make decisions about the child. You’ll both feel incredibly emotionally impacted by anything that happens to the child. You’ll have a shared investment, emotionally and mentally. It’s a very bonding experience. It can also cause a lot of conflict because A) you both feel very strongly about any decisions relating to the child and B) that could mean a fight if you feel differently about anything concerning those decisions. All of this is also true of having a pet. You need to get used to daily disagreements that will come up in parenthood. And they’ll come up with pets, too, because you both care about your animal of choice a lot.

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