MadameNoire Featured Video

As we enter into a new decade, we have plenty of opportunities to look forward to the future. But if you know anything about us, you know that we don’t mind taking a look back through the past. One thing we enjoyed as people rang in 2020 was that many did a decade in review, showing us how far they’d come over the years and how much they changed (and how much the style of the times has changed). We thought we’d help contribute to that fun, digging in the photo archives to see how some of our favorites looked when they started a new decade in 2010, and what they look like now as we enter into another one with 2020. Hit the flip for images of stars going through major weight losses and overall body transformations, fashion changes, parenthood, marriages, divorces, hair cuts, career hiatuses and more. Whether you prefer their looks now or then, it’s clear that they’ve all come a mighty long way and changed quite a bit.

Mo’Nique Before & After:

15th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards - Press Room

Source: Steve Granitz / Getty


Daily Pop - Season 2019

Source: E! Entertainment / Getty

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