MadameNoire Featured Video

feeling lost at 30

Source: Javier Sánchez Mingorance / EyeEm / Getty

I don’t know when we decided, as a society, that people should have their stuff figured out by age 30 but what a crock of sh*t if I do say so myself. We worry about women who are still single at age 30. Or who haven’t decided if they want children. And we call someone “floundering” or “unfocused” if they’re still figuring out what they want to do for a living at that age. People: thirty is still young. I’m proud of those who’ve allowed themselves to do some exploring rather than commit to some serious commitments at that age. And I honestly worry about those who have locked themselves into some life-long arrangements at that age. Did you know that the decision-making part of our brain continues to develop until we’re 25? So, really, only after that age should we start doing anything permanent. If you still feel lost about your career at age 30, don’t worry about it. It’s normal. And now here are some things you can do about it.



Stop ignoring it

If you have that nagging sensation that you’re headed in the wrong direction, don’t ignore it. This is the time to act. You don’t want to still feel lost at age 40 or 50 or beyond. Don’t just stay in your routine that you’re comfortable with, but not actually excited about. It only gets scarier to make changes as you get older, so do it now.

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