MadameNoire Featured Video

a 9 to 5 job woman

When I was in college, I’ll admit that my friends and I would bash the 9 to 5 lifestyle. We’d see people in their suits rushing off the metro near our campus and call them the “hoard” or refer to them as zombies. We, of course, would be novelists who sailed the world or brave souls who worked for nonprofits in exotic and unique locations. We thought that working a corporate, 9 to 5 job meant failure. We thought it meant death of the soul. But, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to look at what failure, success, and a good or bad career really mean, a bit differently. I wouldn’t say that I’ve stopped being a dreamer or stopped respecting the beauty in a freelance lifestyle. I would just say that I’ve found my identity in places besides my work, so if my work doesn’t totally fuse with my soul/passion, that’s alright. I’ll also say I’ve learned the value in paying bills. Here is why you should stop bashing the 9 to 5 corporate life.


Health insurance for you

Getting health insurance is pretty incredible. You hear about “benefits” in college and don’t really know how, well, beneficial they are. But with personal plans costing somewhere in the $240 to $440 range, but company plans costing you maybe a mere $100…or nothing…you can start to see the benefit.

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