Want To Write For Us?

MadameNoire readers are an opinionated bunch so we know you have stories that need to be told and deserve to be heard. Here’s the place to send along that topic suggestion or article pitch you’ve been sitting on.

What we’re open to:

Personal essays on life-changing events related to the African American female experience
Examples: Pledging a Greek Black Letter Organization Gave Me PTSD
What I Learned From My Near Rape

Reader submissions on social/pop culture issues: There’s no topic that’s off limits here. Just remember any idea you pitch should be well thought out and offer a unique opinion on the subject matter suggested. Pieces should be 800-1500 words, thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar, and have a clear argument.

Reader questions: Want to solicit the opinion of fellow MN readers on a unique situation you’re struggling with? Drop us a line.

Working While Black experiences: Has someone tried to touch your ‘fro, made a sideways reference about Black people or pushed one too many demeaning buttons while in corporate America? Share your experience with us.

Curiosity Killed The Cat essays: Did you try something new sexually out of pure curiosity and live to tell your best friend about it? We want to hear about it, too.

Tell Your Business Tuesday submissions: If you’ve been dying to get a messy tale from your past off your chest, do it here.

Survivor Stories: Have you beaten cancer, lived with kidney or heart disease, survived a rape or violent relationship? We want to share your story of triumph.

What we’re not open to:

  • Gender-bashing articles
  • Cliché relationship advice pitches
  • Articles and pitches for personal promotion
  • Submissions with no concept of how to craft a story… you gotta know how to write, baby! Knowing AP Style will benefit you greatly!

To submit your article, topic suggestion, question, or pitch, simply fill out the form below with the subject line of the topic area that best matches your idea and we’ll be in touch soon.


Your Email

Your Pitch or Article