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Saturday, reality star Kim Kardashian and superstar rapper boyfriend Kanye West welcomed their baby girl into the world. While it’s been reported that she began having contractions on Friday night and delivered her daughter vaginally, there are rumors floating around that Kim scheduled a C-section.

An “insider” close to the Kardashian clan told Star magazine in April that Kim wanted to schedule a Cesarean just after eight months into her pregnancy. Going into labor five weeks before her due date, Kim was also reportedly seen being wheeled into recovery where women who’d received C-sections were being treated. Still, momager Kris Jenner told reporters on the Emmys red carpet said her daughter gave birth naturally and everyone was doing fine.

But the suspicions aren’t completely unfounded. The day Kim was in the hospital having her baby, she posted five photos of herself in bikinis pre-baby with the comment, “Can’t wait to go back.” Though the numbers are still small, more and more women are are undergoing elective C-sections. Some are worried about the effect of vaginal delivery on their sex lives or the pain involved, but many schedule the procedure with the idea that they’ll put on the most weight during that last month or so of pregnancy. However, while the numbers on the scale may go up the most during this time, it’s the baby that’s growing, not the mother; during the last month of pregnancy, the baby puts on most of her weight. So, the additional rumor that baby Kimye was born at just five pounds would make sens.

Even if she Kim did schedule the procedure, she wouldn’t be alone. Jessica Simpson reportedly had her first child via scheduled C-section out of fear of childbirth.

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