MadameNoire Featured Video

Now that her divorce is final, Elin Nordegren is packing up her bags and babies and renovating her country home in Sweden.  With an estimated $100 million coming her way, she can surely go as far as she’d like.

There’s no doubt that nordegren endured a harrowing turn of events caused by her husband, Tiger Woods, and his countless affairs. And being a celebrity-obsessed society, we want to see how she heals. But really, we can only imagine what she has been through. Men cheat on their wives—women cheat on their husbands—everyday, but Tiger’s philandering was out of control by any player standards. I think that’s even more reason for why Nordegren should be allowed to disappear and get herself back on track.

For her part, Nordegren has been mum. Throughout her marriage, she was never a woman to talk, be featured in magazine spreads as “Tiger’s wife” or be spotted on the blogs. Even her public statements surrounding her scandalous marriage were limited to an interview with “People” magazine after the divorce was final…and that itself was likely orchestrated.

Was Nordegren told to always play the background? We’ll never really know.

Can the media finally stop following her every move? Likely not.

Gossip via mainstream media outlets has become an essential service in our community…one that replaces our best girlfriends, confidantes, ministers and therapists. We thrive on the wounds of others, so as to forget our own wounds.

As Nordegren moves out of the spotlight, here’s to hoping that she find her peace, and we find another gossip fixture whose heart is shredded to pieces.

Go on then, girl.

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