On the latest episode of Listen To Black MenDavid Banner & Yung Joc offer up their take on getting a “hall pass” in a relationship.

The newest episode of Listen To Black Men is here, and this time, Southern rap veterans David Banner and Yung Joc sit in with the panel and another favorite guest panelist, media personality Jessie Woo. The conversation starts in raucous fashion as Jessie Woo brings up “that” hairstyle that Yung Joc sported, which prompted Mouse Jones to ask whyhe did it. “I was trolling,” he replied. “I just pressed my hair bruh.”

“Well, I loved your Black Hispanic era,” Jessie replied.

Mouse dove right into the main topic soon after. “If y’all get a hall pass,” he began, “are you taking it.” Jeremie Rivers immediately answered, “No.” Tyler Chronicles spoke after taking the position of someone who isn’t married. “I think the thing that I would be asking is, if I take the hall pass…” Mouse interjected quickly, saying: “That she gets one back?”

Tyler agreed. “Why do you think she’s giving you a hall pass? Because she knows how you are.”

Jessie then interceded with a solid question. “So, why do hall passes exist? When y’all get married, why are you not satisfied with one woman?” Mouse retorted, “Oh, I was very satisfied with my one. She wasn’t satisfied with me.” That cracked up the whole group. Yung Joc answered in a sober tone. “If my wife offered me a hall pass, I’d graciously decline because we’ve never been in that space. I’ve lived in that space, and it could become reckless.”

For David Banner, the topic posed the potential for greater exploration of relationships. “One thing that I hate in relationships is when people agree to things they really don’t like. If that’s something you really don’t want, then don’t engage in it,” he said.

When challenged by Jessie, who raised the point about how men can engage in a way that makes women believe they want more, he responded: “I’m a Southern gentleman, period. I open doors. I don’t believe women should touch trash. But when I do what I naturally do because the world is so f——d up, me being a human is like, “Damn, he wants to marry me!”


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