Howard University officially cut ties with Sean “Diddy” Combs after hotel footage from 2016 showed the media mogul physically abusing his former girlfriend, Cassie Ventura.

As of June 7, Howard’s Board of Trustees denounced its relationship with Combs, citing that his behavior does not align with the school’s values.

“Mr. Combs’ behavior, as captured in a recently released video, is so fundamentally incompatible with Howard University’s core values and beliefs that he is deemed no longer worthy to hold the institution’s highest honor,” read a statement from the university.

According to the report, in a unanimous vote, the board decided to accept the return of the aforementioned honorary degree received by Combs and cut all financial ties to the New York native. This includes returning his $1 million donation and dissolving the university’s 2023 pledge agreement with the Sean Combs Foundation.

“This acceptance revokes all honors and privileges associated with the degree. Accordingly, the Board has directed that his name be removed from all documents listing honorary degree recipients of Howard University,” the statement continued.

The Associated Press says an email requesting a comment from a Combs spokesperson was sent out on Saturday (June 8).

Combs’ connection to Howard University, one of the nation’s esteemed historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), dates back to the late ‘80s when he attended as a student from 1987 to 1989 before ultimately leaving to pursue an entertainment career. Since then, the Bad Boy Records label founder has remained connected to Howard, receiving an honorary degree in 2014 and a scholarship named after a hefty monetary donation to the school.

In May, Combs retracted previous statements that denied any abuse alleged by Ventura in a lawsuit filed by the former Bad Boy Records artist in late 2023 when he addressed the encounter that resurfaced from 2016. In a video shared on social media, he said that his actions were “inexcusable.”

“I take full responsibility for my actions in that video,” said Combs. “I was disgusted then when I did it. I’m disgusted now.”

At this time, Ventura is not the only individual who has come forward with a lawsuit and claims of abuse at the hands of Combs. At the end of May, sources reported that a federal grand jury may soon hear from several people who have accused Combs of violent crimes.

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