MadameNoire Featured Video

Celebrity Sightings in Los Angeles - June 8, 2017

Source: GP/Star Max / Getty

Sundy Carter has come a long way it seems. The former Basketball Wives star has gone from wearing risque clothing and talking negatively about her former cast mates and their children to being a practicing Muslim who wears a hijab most of the time.

I ran across a photo Carter posted this week in one, fully covered up with her boyfriend as they walked the beach together:

From there, I fell down a rabbit hole of photos from Carter via her Instagram wearing the veil and even her pre-teen daughter doing the same. She’s been sharing images of herself covered up since the spring.

For those who were skeptical of her new way of doing things, she said on the social media site, “The masses say I’m a hypocrite bcs I followed my heart. Who shall I fear them or ALLAH?😌🤲🏾That was a rhetorical question!”

The confusion isn’t a shock though considering that it wasn’t that long ago that we saw her on reality TV coming off as quite the villain. She said in 2014 that people got her all wrong despite the behavior she exhibited when she was on Basketball Wives during Season 3.

“When you deal with reality television, you have to look at it with a grain of salt. You have to understand editing; you have to understand that you’re in the moment and don’t know what realistically happened,” she said. “So how they portrayed me on the show I wouldn’t say that I’m mad at it because those things did happen and they did occur, however, what I don’t like is the part that wasn’t shown to make those things occur.”

Her commitment to her new lifestyle also comes into question with some fans when she occasionally shares photos without the hijab while out in public:

You know everyone is a critic.


Whatever the inspiration behind Carter embracing being a practicing Muslim woman, as she put it on her page, anyone can change, and religion is a positive reason to do so.

“You are allowed to RE-SET, RE-ALIGN, RE-START, RE-CLAIM, RE-IGNITE, & RE-ADJUST YA CROWN inshallah,” she wrote.

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