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She's my special someone

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Let’s be honest. Sometimes we are just not in the mood to be in a full relationship. We want the perks, but not the sacrifice. We want the sex, but not the emotions. Every season of life is valid, and sometimes, those grey areas can be better than the black and white ones. But the key to successful navigation of a “friends with benefits” situation is to keep the core objective in mind: this is a space filler, not a commitment.

When sex starts to get a little too good and you’re genuinely vibing as friends, you can get lost in the sauce quick. Stay woke!

A relationship expert for Good Men Project outlined how to get all the pleasure from an FWB without the pain.

Remember, There Is No Commitment

Most FWB’s set some sort of boundaries, but keep in mind who they date and who they interact with is really, none of your business. Being “exclusive” while being FWB just sounds messy all around–you both should be dating and you both should be (safely) sleeping with other people. If those two things aren’t happening, you all are walking a dangerous line between commitment and non commitment. Keep it clean and clear.

Don’t Plan A Future Together

There is no planning for the future together or making dates. Everything you all do should be at a whim, within pre-established communication periods. If you feel it’s disrespectful to get hit with a late night text, all good! Just let your FWB no how you want to proceed with your link ups. But whatever you do, don’t start sketching out time together weeks ahead of time.

There Should Be Respect

What is considered “respect” or “disrespect” varies between partners, but that’s why clear communication is going to be important for both of you. They shouldn’t be kicking you out the house right after sex if you both established that’s not okay. In some ways, FWB requires even more communication than a cut and dry relationship because you do have to take caution to make sure everyone is comfortable with this grey area connection. But once you both establish ground rules, as long as you color in the lines, you should have blast.

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