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Growing up isn’t easy and kids can be mean. Since the inception of social media, there has been a rise in bullying. Before, kids could go to school and come home to a safe environment. Now, the bullying goes everywhere, thanks to our little handheld device called a phone. reports that approximately 58% of kids and teens have reported that something mean has been said about them or to them online. So what happens when young kids are getting bullied for things they can’t prevent?

A lace wig specialist that goes by the “WigDealer” on Instagram is helping kids that have been bullied because of cancer and/or alopecia. The Cleveland based entrepreneur is creating custom wigs for kids and selling them online. The wigs take three to five days to make.

While a good wig can cost hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars, the kids wigs are actually quite affordable. The custom, full lace wigs are being sold online at for $200.00. That’s a small price for your toddler or young kid to have the confidence they need.

One follower, whose online personal comes by Creme_de_LaCreme commented, “Do people really put glue on these babies head or is it glueless?” The WigDealer responded, “I’ve never done a ‘baby’ but yes we do glue children wigs. Keep in mind they have NO hair to get glue on. These are made for children suffering from alopecia, cancer, etc.

Wigs might be too big for a child’s head, so these custom wigs are fitting a market that is currently underserved. What a great way to bring confidence to a child! Would you buy one for a child with cancer? Sound off why or why not in the comment section.

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