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Yesterday, when we shared the video of Ami and Justin McClure, Ami mentioned that they would share the truth about how they came to be a family. And in a video she posted a few days ago, she shared the full story. Check it out below.

“So there have been a few rumors that have been going around about me and my family. And I want to address them now. It’s not a big secret. There’s no shock. Everyone who knows us, our friends our family, anybody in our life knows this already. We always planned to share with you guys. It was always about making sure that the girls understood before we share with the world. And if that can’t make sense to people then I’m sorry because our main priority is our children and protecting their health and wellbeing before all else. We’ve been sharing this with them for a year and half now. Speaking to them, making sure that they could understand, as best they could, as five-year-olds, what this means.

Justin adopted the girls. He is their dad. He is the only dad they’ve ever known and he will be the only dad they’ll ever know. So now that you know that, let me share my truth. In 2012, I married a man I knew I should not have married. And finding out I was pregnant with the girls gave me the courage to get out of that relationship because I knew that I could not bring children into a toxic and an abusive environment. So I did my best as a mother to not allow my mistakes to affect my children.

I know I shared with you guys before, my story of my pregnancy with the girls and how difficult it was for me. What I did not share was that I did this without the person I was married to. I was in the hospital by myself. If I didn’t have my mom, my brother and my sister, I don’t even know how I would have gotten through that time in my life.

When the girls were born, I knew that I had to do everything in my power to protect them. The person that I was married to, did nothing for them. Did not provide. Did not visit them while they were in the hospital. Did nothing. And through that I knew that I had to do the best that I could to protect them and not let them suffer for the mistakes that I made.

I decided that I would raise these girls on my own. I didn’t want any man to be a part of my life or their life. I chose to fight for my girls. I chose to not let the mistakes that I made affect them. I did everything I could to protect them. So I set out to raise them by myself. I was prepared to do that, to provide for them as best as I could.

The story of how Justin and I met is the truth. Now you know when we met. It was after the girls were born. They were a little over a year old. And meeting him and as our relationship developed, it just became evident that this was meant to be that we were meant to be a family and he changed my mind on how I felt about letting a man into our lives.

So now you all know and I’m glad you all know. And as I said, we always planned to share. I’m just sad that we didn’t get to tell you all the way we wanted to tell you. But we still plan on doing an extended version of this story. It’s a beautiful story and I hope you all enjoy it.

And I want to take this opportunity to also clear up a few rumors and things that people have been saying. Regarding the video that we made and me stating that I’m proud to be African. It saddens me that people are twisting my words to fit their own agendas, trying to say that I was putting down Black Americans when that could not be further from the truth. Yes, I’m African and I’m proud to be African but I’ve been in this country since I was four-years-old. I’ve embraced so much of Black American culture and not once did I say that I thought that I was better or that my culture was better. I don’t like that people are trying to twist my words to make it seem as though I was stating that. If I wanted to say that, I would have said that. As I said, we will be sharing our full story of how we became a family. I look forward to creating that video for you all and making it the story that we wanted to tell you.”

Check out the full video below.

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